What’s happening in the O. Henry library
A display of books that greets library visitors
October 1st, 2019- The O. Henry library run by Ms. Cross is much more than a place to check out books. Students can visit the library before school to play board games, card games, computers, and more. If you have a pass, you can also come to the library in the morning before school or after the first fifteen minutes of lunch to read or hang out with friends.
Ms. Cross can offer book suggestions to students and help find books anywhere in the library. She also loves to get advice from students for new books to purchase. As a result, new books arrive every week to satisfy everyone’s tastes. She said, “Some of the most popular genres right now in the library are realistic fiction and graphic novels.”
The 8th grade library aides are a small group of people that spend time helping out Ms. Cross. One of the aides, May F., said, “I love helping out Ms. Cross because she is really nice and we get to help other kids check out books, as well as help decorate and update the library.” Kate C., another aide, said, “To be a library aide, you have to submit a form to the office to help out Ms.Cross in the library.”
The library is a big part of O. Henry Middle School because a lot of people come to the library every day. The library also has a lot of passion and spirit that shows when Ms. Cross and her 8th grade aides decorate the library for Halloween or prepare for events, like the Winter Book Fair.