While sitting in class have you ever thought, ‘I’ll never use this stuff in real life.
Well I have, and in my opinion a lot of what we learn in school isn’t useful.
Unless you have a job that needs certain skills, like science or social studies, we don’t need a lot
of what we learn in class. For example a random date in history, how to write in cursive, and
how to speak Latin.Also now we can just ask Google or use a calculator if we have questions or
math problem.With new technology we really don’t need to learn about a lot of math subjects for
example geometry and algebra. We can use our phones. Now, I don’t think we should get rid of
math completely, but at the rate our technology is constantly growing. So in the future we
probably won’t have the need to memorize this information.
According to recent research only 30% of what we learn is actually needed in the real world.
This means 70% is unnecessary and wont be used. So instead of memorizing capitals and a
bunch of random facts that we don’t need, maybe we should be learning about how to save
someone’s life with CPR or first Aid. We should also learn to deal with taxes, interest, and
stocks. This would make us way more prepared for our life and our future.
So, in conclusion I think that in school we spend time on things we don’t need, and it would be
better to focus on real-life skills like first aid and how to deal with money.
Do We Really Need to Learn This?
Some Classes Teach us Unnecessary Information
Alayna M., Writer
November 4, 2024