Basketball vs. Baseball
August 6, 2019
Basketball and baseball are two very different sports, but which one is better?
Let’s start with some facts. Baseball and basketball are the two most popular sports in the United States. Basketball has 26 million players while baseball only has about 15.6 million players. Baseball is played from March to October and basketball is played from November to June.
I think baseball is better because it takes more skill. In basketball it does take some skill. For example, you have to shoot the ball with good aim and have high endurance. But in baseball you must have good hand eye coordination, a strong arm to throw, and the ability to field ground or fly balls.
I also think that baseball is better that there is no time limit. In basketball, if you exceed the time, then the game is over. In baseball, it keeps going until the nine innings are up or longer. This makes for more high scoring and back and forth games which a lot of people like to watch.
Also, most basketball players have to be tall, but in baseball you can be any size and still be as good as anyone else. Take Jose Altuve from the Houston Astros, as an example. He is one of the smallest players in the MLB, yet he is one of the best.
In conclusion, I think that baseball is better than basketball. What do you think?
Cody Mills • May 10, 2021 at 11:49 am
Amazing. Help me so much on my writing
jazlene • Mar 5, 2021 at 10:08 am
baseball is so much better than basketball
andrew duckworth • Jan 25, 2021 at 12:28 pm
To be honest I think that Baseball is better because you can get more skills from it than you would in basketball. In baseball, it takes a lot of muscle and tolerance for it example when I played baseball before I got hit in the face with a baseball when I was standing at the base you also have to have a higher pain tolerance so you can stand more pain. You do have to have good aim and good eye tolerance in baseball but there are people that also play baseball with glasses and they don’t have good eyes but they can still play baseball and they will pick it up and be a good baseball player. In basketball, you have to have good coordination for dribbling and then for shooting you still have to have good eyes for that too but there are still really good basketball players that have glasses. there are a lot of really tall basketball players so they can dunk and they have sort of an advantage over the smaller people because for example some of the smaller kids can’t jump as high as the bigger kid can jump so it is not so fair.
One thing that I like about baseball is that there is no actual time for the innings you have to get three outs and then you go into bat and then it is your turn to start batting. If the score is tied at the end they would and have extra innings so they could find out who the actual winner is. But in basketball, you have 8 min per quarter and then when that one is up you have to stop and then continue with another 8 min when those 16 min is up you have half time, and then when it is time to play they have to switch the sides that they play on so it would be a little bit trickier than baseball would be.
My final answer is that I like baseball more and I think that baseball is the better sport for some people basketball is a better sport but to me, baseball is a better sport because it is easier and it takes more skills and there is more to learn than in basketball. I have been playing baseball more than basketball but I love baseball more than basketball and therefore that is what sport that I think is better in all. both are very fun to watch but it is just baseball is better for me.
Fernando Luna • Oct 26, 2020 at 2:37 pm
I think basketball is better because, it take more energy more skill and iq. Also you get payed more like, in basketball you get payed 1,000 in baseball you get also 1,000. So in basketball they take away 9 percent of 1,000. In baseball they take away 50 percent of the 1,000$. So basketball is better, also there is more rich people in basketball than baseball.
aaliah • Nov 7, 2019 at 12:39 pm
basketball is way better than baseball